Yes, I know. I just ended a sentence with a preposition. It wasn't a sentence, technically, but still. I don't care.
When you're in the midst of a move - especially one that involves fitting all of your worldly belongings into a 16' x 8' x 8' box - "I don't care" becomes a standard response to some things you might normally give a fig about.
In fact, here's a list of some things I've let slide lately:
- My grammar (Clearly.)
- The cleanliness of the house (Although, really, I let that slide even when we're not moving. But at least right now I have that legit excuse, so I'm takin' it!)
- My hair (Scum bun right up on top of my head for three days straight now. So purdy.)
- Fashion sense (Not that I'm any sort of fashionista normally, but I keep slipping on my loafers with my sports socks and going out in public. Not so purdy.)
- Matching socks for BoyWonder (I see two socks that fit, they go on his feet. Bing, bang, boom.)
- Lunch (We have breakfast, then there are several snacks at various times, then Havarti usually pulls through with dinner. Go Havarti!)
- My convictions about screen time (I think the kids smell my weakness and have jumped in for the kill.)
- Any sort of formal education for the moppets ("Hey, play some math games on the iPad since you're already on there, kids! Then write me an essay about how mean your parents are for making you pack and organize so you can go on this trip of a lifetime!" I'm such a good teacher.)
And just to give myself a little credit, here are some things I have not let slide lately:
- Work (I've actually been able to squeeze in more hours for the magazine than usual. I think because we're done with all of our outside commitments and the children are keeping themselves quietly busy most of the day so I'll forget to nag them.)
- Creativity in the kitchen (I'm trying to use up the food we have in the freezer and pantry. It's amazing what make-shift munchies you can create with a few random ingredients. Hello, nutty, seedy, crunchy breakfast cookies!)
- Purging (I've become a little addicted to giving things away. If you're looking for a freebie, come to my house in the next two weeks. I promise you won't leave empty handed.)
- Exercise (But only because I'm counting hauling furniture and boxes to the storage crate as a work-out.)
- Snuggles (BoyWonder won't let me let that slide.)
- Tent wrangling (Mad, mad skills in this department.)
To further explain that last item: We opened up our tent for the first time last night, and it's awesome! It's huge (9-person, got it on clearance at Target for $99. Woohoo!). I might even be excited about camping with this tent. And . . . drum roll, please . . . we were even able to get that sucker back into its original carry bag. Amazing, right!? We might be the first people to do that, like, ever. Havarti and I feel like we deserve an Olympic medal in Tent Wrangling.
So that's where I'm at. :)
The rest of the family is in a similar place. We officially move out on April 14 to stay with Havarti's parents, and we take off for California on the 28th. The girls are both excited and sad to go. BoyWonder is the most excited of all of us, I think. He seems to have a pretty good grasp of what we're doing. He keeps talking about all the cities we're going to visit. I hope the 30-hour car ride to California doesn't kill his enthusiasm. :)
(A side note so I don't forget it years from now: BoyWonder loves maps, and he likes to watch Dolittle play Stack the States on the iPad. So, the other night, we were eating out at Uno's and he pointed up at the wall across the room and said, "Mama, there's a state!" I looked and couldn't see what he was talking about. "Look, Mama! I see a state! That's a state!" I looked again, thinking there must be a map somewhere, but all I saw were two street signs. Then I noticed one of them said "OHIO ST." I asked BoyWonder, "Are you looking at a word, sweetie?" to which he replied, "Yeah. It has O-H-I-O. That's a state!" It's amazing how kids pick things up that you don't teach them.)
On we go! I'll show you pictures of our storage unit and our upside-down house next time. Woohoo!
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